
Zinc - The Defense Mineral

In this season, I have with me again Tim Kelly with Polytope Press.  He is an avid journalist and researcher in the fitness world with an emphasis on the science behind all of our body's systems.  His method of checking/testing our FLOW of each type of pathway we have in the human body is extremely interesting.  Check out this season where he goes in-depth into the most important minerals.  Also, check out his website and books:  
Tim Kelly - Polytope Press  

If Your Interested In Online Personal Training OR Being On "Over 40 Fitness Hacks Podcast":    
Brad Williams - Online Personal Trainer - Host of Over 40 Fitness Hacks  projectb36@gmail.com  www.Over40FitnessHacks.com


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Over 40 Fitness Hacks

Fitness hacks, trends for men over 40 by a Keto/EMS personal trainer and gym owner. Getting over the hill? Noticing that you have to do more to stay i...

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