
454: Megan Dahlman - Secrets To Overcoming Pain and Aging - PSF Framework

Secrets To Overcoming Pain and Aging - PSF Framework

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The podcast interview between Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks and Megan Dahlman from the Self Care Simplified podcast delves into strategies for staying youthful and pain-free as we age, particularly focusing on the needs of the over 40 audience. Brad emphasizes the importance of quality of life over quantity, expressing the desire to address various health issues commonly faced by individuals in this demographic.

Megan challenges the notion that pain and physical decline are inevitable with aging, highlighting that much of the discomfort stems from neglecting proper body usage and failing to maintain physical wellness. She introduces the PSF framework—Posture, Strength, and Flexibility—as key components to address when experiencing pain or stiffness. Megan also touches on osteoarthritis, stressing that it's not an inevitable consequence of aging but rather a result of joint dysfunction.

The discussion expands to include the role of inflammation, diet, and repetitive movements in exacerbating physical discomfort. Megan underscores the importance of identifying the mechanical and chemical aspects of pain and suggests working with trainers to understand optimal joint function. Brad shares his own experiences with back problems and emphasizes the significance of hip flexibility and lumbar spine stability.

In essence, the conversation advocates for a holistic approach to pain management and wellness, emphasizing the importance of understanding how the body functions and addressing issues at their root causes rather than merely treating symptoms. Through education, awareness, and proactive lifestyle adjustments, individuals can significantly improve their quality of life as they age.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at brad@over40fitnesshacks.com or visit my website at:


Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

Over 40 Fitness Hacks

Fitness hacks, trends for men over 40 by a Keto/EMS personal trainer and gym owner. Getting over the hill? Noticing that you have to do more to stay i...

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