
444: Avery Rich - Adding In Short FLOW Yoga Poses To Your Morning Routine

Adding In Short FLOW Yoga Poses To Your Morning Routine

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Avery Rich - Journey Into Yoga podcast



In the podcast interview, Brad Williams of Over 40 Fitness Hacks chats with Avery Rich from Journey Into Yoga about the benefits of yoga, especially for individuals over 40. Brad highlights how yoga can contribute to flexibility and overall well-being for his audience, emphasizing the need to incorporate diverse practices as bodies age.

Avery agrees, likening yoga to an essential addition to the "buffet" of activities needed for older individuals. She stresses that as people age, stretching and flexibility become increasingly important, especially considering the strains and tensions that often accompany physical activities.

They discuss various yoga styles, with Avery explaining her journey into yoga and her preference for flow classes, which suit individuals who prefer active workouts. She also touches on the importance of yoga in lengthening muscles, counteracting the shortening effects of other exercises like weightlifting and cardio.

Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the accessibility of yoga, encouraging listeners to start with small steps, such as practicing a few poses after workouts or attending one class a week. They discuss the significance of addressing common issues like lower back pain, tight hamstrings, and stress through yoga postures tailored to relieve tension and improve mobility.

Avery introduces her podcast, "Journey Into Yoga," which offers brief insights into different yoga poses, making it accessible even for those unfamiliar with yoga terminology. She emphasizes the role of intentionality and mindfulness in yoga practice, highlighting its potential to enhance productivity and overall well-being, especially when integrated into daily routines.

Finally, they touch on the importance of mindful practices beyond physical activity, such as meditation and intentional morning routines, to promote mental clarity and stress relief, particularly for those navigating the challenges of aging and busy lifestyles. Avery shares her social media handles and website for listeners interested in exploring more about yoga and her podcast.

Overall, the interview provides valuable insights into the transformative power of yoga for individuals over 40, emphasizing its versatility, accessibility, and holistic benefits for physical and mental health.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at brad@over40fitnesshacks.com or visit my website at:


Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

Over 40 Fitness Hacks

Fitness hacks, trends for men over 40 by a Keto/EMS personal trainer and gym owner. Getting over the hill? Noticing that you have to do more to stay i...

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