
430: Brad Williams - Getting Better Results With Muscle Confusion Through Varied Workouts

Getting Better Results With Muscle Confusion Through Varied Workouts

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In the podcast episode, Brad Williams from Over 40 Fitness Hacks delves into the concept of muscle confusion and the necessity of constantly challenging the body for better fitness results. He addresses the common issue of stagnant progress in workouts and explains that when individuals repetitively perform the same exercises, their bodies become efficient, resulting in burning fewer calories over time.

Brad emphasizes the importance of breaking habits, particularly for the over 40 crowd, as sticking to the same routine leads to diminished effectiveness. He describes how the body adapts to familiar exercises, utilizing fewer muscle fibers to complete them, ultimately expending less energy and burning fewer calories despite potential strength gains.

To counter this plateau, Brad advocates for "shocking the body" by introducing variation into workouts. This involves changing exercises, angles, muscle groups, and even incorporating different fitness modalities like yoga, Pilates, hiking, or boxing. He highlights that this variety keeps the body guessing, preventing it from becoming too efficient and ensuring a higher calorie burn.

Beyond workouts, Brad underscores the significance of diverse stressors on the body, including unconventional methods like cold immersion, saunas, red light therapy, and breathing techniques. These stressors prompt the body to adapt but caution that the body's efficiency will plateau eventually.

He concludes by stressing the importance of maintaining a varied routine to avoid fitness plateaus, recommending that individuals find activities they enjoy while staying committed to dieting goals. Brad shares a success story about a client who saw progress by diversifying his exercise routine and concludes by encouraging listeners to break out of workout ruts and embrace variety for optimal fitness results and an improved quality of life.

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at projectb36@gmail.com or visit my website at:


Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

Over 40 Fitness Hacks

Fitness hacks, trends for men over 40 by a Keto/EMS personal trainer and gym owner. Getting over the hill? Noticing that you have to do more to stay i...

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