
303: Staying In An Athletic State Of Mind With Krissy Krash

Krissy Krash



Podcast Episode: Staying in an Athletic State of Mind with Krissy Krash


  • Welcome listeners to the podcast episode about staying in an athletic state of mind

  • Introduce Krissy Krash as a fellow fitness colleague and roller derby athlete

  • Explain that in this episode, we will discuss tips and strategies for staying in an athletic state of mind

Main Points:

  1. Mindset is key

  • Krissy emphasizes the importance of having a positive and motivated mindset

  • She talks about using visualization techniques to imagine yourself achieving your goals and staying focused on the process rather than the outcome

  • We discuss the power of affirmations and self-talk to stay motivated and overcome self-doubt

  1. Consistency is key

  • We talk about the importance of consistency in staying in an athletic state of mind

  • Krissy shares her daily routine and emphasizes the importance of setting small goals and celebrating small victories

  • We discuss how to stay consistent even when life gets busy or when you encounter setbacks

  1. Fueling your body and mind

  • Krissy emphasizes the importance of fueling your body and mind with nutritious food and positive influences

  • We talk about how nutrition and sleep play a key role in staying in an athletic state of mind

If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at projectb36@gmail.com or visit my website at www.Over40FitnessHacks.com. 

Additionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, at https://bit.ly/3PlNDeSv.


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Over 40 Fitness Hacks

Fitness hacks, trends for men over 40 by a Keto/EMS personal trainer and gym owner. Getting over the hill? Noticing that you have to do more to stay i...

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